Thank you to all of the girls that entered my candy giveaway, there is a winner.
Before tell you who, maybe somebody could help, I am late posting because my laptop crashed and it is still down, It would seem that every time I have been onto any Polish or Russian blogs in the last few days I have had multiple pages coming up, by that I mean lots and lots of pages just keep opening...and I have to quickly close down my laptop. I have been trying to get to everyone who entered to say thank you, for those I didn't get to yet, I promise to tomorrow when I can use DOH's computer for longer... but every time I went onto a Russian or it seems Polish blog this happened, anyway this evening it crashed my system completely and I had to restore to last back up losing lots of really precious photographs and It still is not security save, my Malware is not working.. Has anybody else experienced this?
I am a little worried....
Anyway enough of that.... to the winner of my candy....
Congratulations Annette, please let me have your e-mail address so that I can contact you...
If the candy is not claimed within 48 hours, I will redraw.....
Thank you so much to everyone for their kind words, I really do appreciate them so very much.... I had planned on e-mailing a few friends this evening, I am sorry, when I can have Mark's computer tomorrow, I'll e-mail then...I will also visit anyone I missed on the list... I had just gone onto Lydia's blog earlier when the blog I'd been on prior to hers crashed my laptop, sorry Lydia I will pop by tomorrow, Mark is sulking he wants his toy back...LOL ....If anyone has any ideas on this please let me know.....

Congrats Netty! You lucky :)
Thanks Tina for the chance to win! Maby you need new antivirus for your laptop? ESET NOD- the best antivrus.
Congratulations to the lucky winner!
Hi Hun...sorry you're having troubles, I wish I had the answer but mine isn't any keeps switching itself off when I go onto anything with movement!! You Tube, animated avatars, blogs with falling snow etc! I bought a netbook to escape the problem, but I'm still using this as the screen is bigger lol.
Pop by any time you cyber kettle's always on! ;)
ps...Congrats Annette...enjoy!! :)
This has happened a few times to me in the past and it was a virus. ? if this is what you are experiencing i had to get some computer nerd (friend) to sort it.
hope it works soon for you
hugs Debbie
Congratulations Netty!!! Thank you for yr fan.
I'm so sorry about your laptop.
Netty, congratulations!! :)
Congratulations to 5the lucky winner!
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