I have been a very naughty blogger and an even naughtier crafter, I’ve not been posting since the end of February but I really do have quite a few really good excuses and felt I wanted to explain...so here goes........
Well the last few weeks haven’t been very nice and it's meant no blogging or card making or scrapbooking. I have RA & Fibromyalgia (I’ve had both conditions for about six years now) and in December last year I started some new pain killers in the form of patches, I stayed on the Dihydrocodiene but started on the Butrans patches as the afore mentioned weren't working too well after five years. Everything was going well until the end of January when we noticed the patches were causing burns on my skin (and they were bad burns) it wasn't long before my wonderful nurse Denise said there was no way Doctor would let me stay on the patches, I was devastated as they were controlling the pain so well... Mark jumped on the net and discovered that I could take them in a tablet form (sublingual) well they don't work as well as the patch, I’m already up to three times the dose I was on and still not getting the same pain relief, well that left me feeling a little poorly, anybody who suffers with long term chronic pain will know it makes everyday tasks so hard, as concentration is difficult and just watching the TV can be difficult.
Then one of our beautiful boys (Jack Russell Terriers) started to go blind (Gizmo the beautiful boy in the picture above had one eye removed last May following an infection called uveitis however when we saw the specialist Ophthalmic Vet up at Willows in Solihull she gave us some devastating news, Gizmo's good eye was Defective and he had a luxating lens that had to be removed or he'd be blind within days, removing the lens would give him up to a couple of years more sight, at the grand old age of two and half our poor timid little man was going blind) Everything was going great with Gizmo until mid January this year, he was coping so well, he was having Travatan eye drops once a day then wham, his eye swelled up and he was blind, the specialist managed to get the pressure in Gizmo's eye down but informed us every time his eye swells he loses a little more sight, we have been devastated, he is so not like any dog we had growing up or any dog I’ve ever met, (let me put it this way, has anybody every known a dog come and jump up on a sofa or chair and hold his head up to you when you say "let's do your eye then" and then let you put drops in his eye, Gizmo does it's as if he knows it's helping him) Our son Ash was 21 on March 26 and all was going well until that evening Gizmo's eye swelled again, and again we managed to get the pressure down but we were so aware of the fact that he'd lost more of his sight, we just didn't know what to do, then a week later it happened again and he was rushed the two hours to Solihull to see the specialists, again they managed to get the pressure down only this time they gave us a hope we never thought we'd have, there is a surgery that has just been started over here In the last couple of years it has come from the good old US Of A boy am I grateful, Gizmo is going to have laser eye surgery on 13th or 14th of May only a few weeks away, I have to admit that we have been treading on egg shells for weeks now, hoping and praying that the three doses of Travatan will keep working until then, we are religiously giving him does eight hours apart in the hope that the eye doesn’t swell before May 14th and fingers crossed if the surgery goes well Gizmo will be pain free and fingers and toes crossed will be able to see for a little longer. It really has been such a tough decision to make as if the surgery doesn’t work he'll be blind there and then, but if we don't get him the surgery he'll go blind before the summer.
On top of all of this Ashley our one and only is going into hospital on May 7th for reconstructive surgery on his knee, he snapped his cruciate ligament two and half years ago and was only diagnosed at the beginning of the year, but he's terrified of being put under aesthetic, so we've spent the last few weeks reassuring him everything will be fine, but boys being boys they never believe anything you say, the only thing that is actually keeping his head from spinning is the thought of playing football again in a year’s time, yep a year rehabilitation, ohhhh you can see it now, mum I need a drink, dad can you pass me that...LOL ohhhhh he's going to make us suffer, bless him.... After the bad year we had last year with me being house bound for eight months we thought we would have better luck this year, well it hasn't come yet but........ I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that from May this year our luck will change, I’m not asking for anything more than a healthy happy family, that's all I could or would want to wish for.....
Well that is the very long winded explanation of what has been happening over the last couple of months, I’ve managed to relax a little so thought I might just get back to doing a little card making, scrapbooking (I’m dying to scrap Ashley's 21st birthday surprise pictures ~ Rome for five whole days....) and I have the most fantastic kits to play with from Studio Calico.........ohhhhh I am a lucky girl.......
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